Saturday, September 21, 2019

Humans’ resistance to change but high regard for saving their own neck is why this blog has a new title

Originally, this blog was called “Never too small to change the world” and truthfully, I had no idea that child climate activist Greta Thunberg had made a phrase very much like it quite famous quite recently.

But I quickly realized that title was wrong, totally, wrong, wrong, wrong.

Its aim, for one, is far too modest, far too laidback.

We are not trying to change the world gradual step by gradual step, ever upwards into the future in true limousine liberal fashion (shout out to Justin Trudeau) ,we are trying to save the whole world, right now ! — if not sooner.

But even more importantly, humans - adult as well as small children - hate to be directed towards change, much preferring to do it all ourselves.

But equally, we have absolutely no objection, when dangling over a cliff, to being saved : suddenly the race, religion, gender, politics and income of our saviour matters not.

If we start to CHANGE the world by altering one hair on one chinny chin chin, all hell breaks loose.

But if we SAVE the world by turning all of it completely upside down, we will hear no objections.

For it is ever true that rationality and humanity are residents on different planets.....

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